Scheduling an Exam or Quiz

Welcome to the exam and quiz scheduling accommodations website.  While the University’s instruction remains online only, Student Disability Services will not proctor exams in the SDS Testing Center.  For this reason, you do not need to schedule an exam in the Student Portal.  Please communicate with your instructors to discuss your exam accommodations in their courses.  SDS testing staff is available to students and instructors to consult about unique circumstances and assist with the delivery of exam accommodations.

·         If your instructor is creating online time exams, notify your instructor if you will need your extended time accommodation.  Additional time can be added to timed exams and quizzes in Canvas.  Instructions on how to add extra time is available on the faculty portal.

·         Since it is not possible to pause the clock on timed, online exams, we are building in additional time for breaks in order to accommodate the potential need to address symptoms while testing.  As such, instructors will be adding an additional 25% more testing time for students who have the pause time accommodation.  The 25% will be calculated on the base testing time and will be added even if the student also has extended testing time.  For example, a student with pause time AND 50% more testing time, should receive 75% more testing time.  With that in mind, assuming a 50-minute exam, such a student would have received an additional 25 minutes in class, but now they should receive an additional 37.5 (or 38) minutes.

·         Students with assistive technology accommodations, or accommodations that cannot be provided in an online format, should contact SDS as soon as possible. Faculty should contact SDS as well to discuss the course and testing accommodations. Students will be responsible for securing an alternative location or reduced distraction environment for their exams.

·         Some instructors may opt for alternative assessments, e.g. essays, untimed exams, which should not require exam accommodations.